Not in Kansas any more...
Windy does not begin to describe today...Neither does gusty. Maybe gale force winds or inland hurricane. To give you an idea, all the leaves on the plants in my house are swaying, the water in all my toilets is swishing and ever screen sounds like it is about to be ripped off the house. Gettin' a little sea sick and there is no ocean in site. Ha ha ha!
Dr. Gage has just finished fixing all my moles, fingernails, teeth and belly button. His instruments of choice were a screw driver, pliers, wrench, flashlight, sander and drill (all kid sized tools or I may not be writing this). Reece-a-bug is soundly asleep but poor baby I think she has more teeth coming in. Her new thing since yesterday is sticking her finger up her nose (I'm so proud) on the side she is madly chewing on. I think she has a lot of pressure there. So we are on Tylenol & Motrin but I'll be damned if I can find the Orajel I placed in a spot I would surely remember. I thought once you were done nursing your memory was supposed to return. HA!
We will be staying INDOORS today to avoid beeing swept off the mountain into Nebraska (I don't ever want to go back there - long story - all I can say is never get stuck in Grand Island). I can't believe christmas is soo close. I haven't even thought of cards (eCards may be going to most this year); have lots of "supplies" for homemade gifts but nothing complete to actually make something. I do have most of my stocking stuffers and secret santa gift bought and Brian & I have most of our ideas for the kids...just need to buy them when the munchins are not around. We may solicite Aunty Kris on one of her days back in Fort Collins after the move for a Santa Shopping day (hint hint for you Kris :).
Well I feel as if I should go out & put some tie-downs on the house. The sounds this house is making likens to a 90 year old man with arthritis (a man cause they whine more than women ha ha ha). Well I better get back to Mr. Gage. It is snack time and then puzzles before the peices eater awakens.
Hope all of you in Colorado you are haning onto something solid and the rest of you enjoy your day. May it not be as windy as mine.
Dr. Gage has just finished fixing all my moles, fingernails, teeth and belly button. His instruments of choice were a screw driver, pliers, wrench, flashlight, sander and drill (all kid sized tools or I may not be writing this). Reece-a-bug is soundly asleep but poor baby I think she has more teeth coming in. Her new thing since yesterday is sticking her finger up her nose (I'm so proud) on the side she is madly chewing on. I think she has a lot of pressure there. So we are on Tylenol & Motrin but I'll be damned if I can find the Orajel I placed in a spot I would surely remember. I thought once you were done nursing your memory was supposed to return. HA!
We will be staying INDOORS today to avoid beeing swept off the mountain into Nebraska (I don't ever want to go back there - long story - all I can say is never get stuck in Grand Island). I can't believe christmas is soo close. I haven't even thought of cards (eCards may be going to most this year); have lots of "supplies" for homemade gifts but nothing complete to actually make something. I do have most of my stocking stuffers and secret santa gift bought and Brian & I have most of our ideas for the kids...just need to buy them when the munchins are not around. We may solicite Aunty Kris on one of her days back in Fort Collins after the move for a Santa Shopping day (hint hint for you Kris :).
Well I feel as if I should go out & put some tie-downs on the house. The sounds this house is making likens to a 90 year old man with arthritis (a man cause they whine more than women ha ha ha). Well I better get back to Mr. Gage. It is snack time and then puzzles before the peices eater awakens.
Hope all of you in Colorado you are haning onto something solid and the rest of you enjoy your day. May it not be as windy as mine.
At 1:11 PM,
Jen said…
It's calm here, but cold and snowy...just give me spring and I'll be a happy camper!
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that was a rather obvious "hint" there. I think I can probably handle it. Let me know what works for you and I'll work my schedule around it. =)
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