Conquering fear is amazing!
Gage overcame his terror/fear of nose spray today. After we tried Benedryl/Robitussin and his nose was still stuffed up he wanted more meds. I explained the only way to get his nose to open up was to use nose spray...the reaction was immediately no no no... about an hour later, he found the saline nose spray that we have practiced with (on Daddy & Mommy...NOT Gage) took off the cap & sprayed it in his nose all by himself YEAH! Then it was ok to use the medicated stuff... ahhh to have a nose that can breath...he was a whole new kid! The best part was he did it on his own time and counquered that fear without pressure.
Yesterday we fought to crowds at the mall to see Santa. After our experience last year I was a bit nervous how the kids would do....AMAZING. Reece smiled at Santa, Gage told him he wanted a black four-wheeler & a train set and they both posed for a great picture (see below).
Well I'm off to enjoy my anti-inflamitory/muscle relaxer/painkiller combo. I had to go to Urgent Care for a back spasm today. Even with the great drugs I still have pain. This one was a DOOZY! Not quite drooling yet but there's still time.
Happy Holidays
TIP: if you need to heat an injury (doctor's say moist heat is the only way to go) run hot water into a (clean) disposable diaper and you can wrap any part of your body or open in flat to use on your back or even your belly for cramps. It is awesome. I will always have diapers in my house for this exact reason!
Yesterday we fought to crowds at the mall to see Santa. After our experience last year I was a bit nervous how the kids would do....AMAZING. Reece smiled at Santa, Gage told him he wanted a black four-wheeler & a train set and they both posed for a great picture (see below).
Well I'm off to enjoy my anti-inflamitory/muscle relaxer/painkiller combo. I had to go to Urgent Care for a back spasm today. Even with the great drugs I still have pain. This one was a DOOZY! Not quite drooling yet but there's still time.
Happy Holidays
TIP: if you need to heat an injury (doctor's say moist heat is the only way to go) run hot water into a (clean) disposable diaper and you can wrap any part of your body or open in flat to use on your back or even your belly for cramps. It is awesome. I will always have diapers in my house for this exact reason!
At 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Personally, I'm a hot washcloth/heating pad/thermacare kinda girl, but whatever floats your boat and makes you feel better! =P Hope the drugs start kicking in soon.
At 7:57 AM,
janet copenhaver said…
Great picture of the kids. Thanks for the tip although I doubt I'll go out and buy diapers just for that purpose.
Another tip: If you need to use ice on injury or surgery always put a wet cloth between ice pack and skin, you can then leave it on forever or till it melts which ever comes first with out risk of damage. It also penetrates deeper that way.
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