Oodles with Noodle

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Better & Worse


Well we are all a bit better...and that is great news. Reece's cough changed last night...with great releif to mommy. Gage's cough is much better too. We still kill many trees with the amount of tissue we use each day but it is much more clear than green now....Excellent!


I have to praise my husband for what a strong man he is. He has been up against the "evil" at WORK for some time but they rose to a new low yesterday. He has been on "view" by management for any time off he takes but now the time he IS there is now being monitored. He was brought into a "meeting" yesterday where they informed him that due to a "complaint" by one of the "cry baby techs" {let's just call him Golden Boy} his computer will be monitored to see how he gets his hours. The complaint in jist was Mr. Hubby still seems to have work when the shop is dead...waaa waaa waaa. I can tell you how he has hours....he WORKS when the work is there. I have never heard of a more pathetic group of whiny, back stabbing, clicky, (oh the list could go on & on) MEN (if you can call them that) in my life. Mechanics are the WORST! Golden Boy recently got a few other techs in trouble for beating the system in obtaining jobs by holding down the appropriate "key" on the computer with a socket until a job is assigned to them. This same complainer holds the key down too...he just wasn't smart enough to figure out a way how to do it & be able to leave his station to do something else. I admire my hubby for his work ethic...he will help other techs all day (& not get compensated), he will help customers on his own time (& not get compensated), he will do "shit" work all day totalling .8 hours but if a job comes in at 4pm that could wait until tomorrow, he (without thought) immediately gets to work to get it done for the customer (even if it keeps him late). I can remember at my old office, if we had a dead day & a new "project" needed attention later in the day, I would put it off to start fresh the next day...not him! The other guys in the shop will get in early to "grab" all the work they can "hold" for themselves but as soon as the work runs out they go to McDonalds or out to smoke or bring in their own cars, then when work shows up they shrug it off saying, well if it had been here a few hours ago I would have done it! SERIOUSLY!!! Mr. Hubby does not "hold" work, or "grab" work, he gets the next job available, does the job, takes the next job available, does the job, takes the job available, does the job....and that's how he gets hours. Ohhhhh I am fuming for the crap he has had to endure at "hell"...oops I mean WORK. I am soooooo sorry hunny! We appreciate you!


Reece cleary said 2 nearly new words this morning. She has said versions of these but not clear & precise. She wanted a drink of milk this morning so she pointed to the cup and said "some", then moments later came around the corner announcing that she had a "cracker". Clear as a bell. Yeah Reece-a-bug!

We are meeting our new neighbors at the park today near lunch time. Us mommies are very excited to get our kids together finally. Gage & Reece should have a blast with the neighbor kids.


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