It's COLD out there! To say the least. We only added about 2-3 inches of snow but the temp dropped to below zero. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Let's see where to I many things so many things! We have a new addition to our family (we'll see for how on). Reno is a nearly 2 year old male Akita. We adopted him on Monday from a lady who couldn't keep him as her Shepard tried to kill him. He is a fine looking dog and submissive for an Akita. I can't blame this one on my husband one bit since it was ME....yes me the NO lady...who fell in love with him. He needs some training and is not used to our "routine" but he is very smart. He gets along with our existing boys (Taz is still not too sure of the new guy). He is smitten with Bug. Whenever she leaves the room he escorts her to where she is going then returns. He walks her up & down the stairs and will randomly find her to kiss her face and return to his blankie in the living room. But.....and there is a HUGE but.... he is still in puppy faze. He piddles when he is in trouble; he marks (pees) on things in the house; he uses his mouth to play (not biting just teeth), he runs off into the neighborhood (considering we have no fence)..... Hubby had a 2 hour search for him last night (he was NOT happy) after I took Bug to bed (read on for more about that). He (Reno...not hubby) is desperate for praise and love so we have already altered much of the behavior and again I have no one to blame but myself. Which makes me even more mad that I can't be mad at someone else :) Yesterday while walking up the driveway (in flip-flops.....Hubby's BIG flip-flops) to find Reno; I spotted him at the top of our street. As he was running back home I turned around to walk back down (key word down) the drive. My left foot slipped, tried to compensate with right foot that stepped on the back of the left flip-flop and in cartoon fashion arms & legs went flying and I went down....HARD apparently on the only "rocks" that weren't covered by the snow. Thank goodness I have extra padding on the back side.
Later that day....while putting some things in the frig I hit my knee on the crisper drawer that sent me literally flailing on the floor and crying (something I rarely ever do from injury); Bug came in to check on me "Mommy, are you OK?"...then she kissed me on the shoulder. She waited until I regained myself and asked again "Mommy, are you OK?" then gave me a huge hug. When I explained I hurt my knee she kissed my knee and gave me another huge hug. Do I have the best kids or what?
Bug is very sick. It started with a croupy cough night before last but turned into something much more similar to the pneumonia cough hubby had last week. We spent a LONG time in the bathroom with the hot shower going and the window open. Brother was such a great guy, he came in with toys and lots of stories to keep us from getting bored. He rubbed Bug's head and kissed her forehead. She was coughing so hard she gagged every time...which was about 3x a minute. She has slept with me the last two nights so I can monitor breathing etc. Last night as we lay in bed and she was coughing with no end in site I prayed harder than I have prayed in a long time. We were blessed with a fairly peaceful evening with more sleep than coughing.
I got my first call from applying online to jobs. I have an interview with the new hospital (lab) on Tuesday. The lady that called said I was on many of the lists (YEAH) since I applied to about 15 jobs there..hopefully more to come. This one is only PT but I am going to take the interview for practice and to get the interview jitters out. I also have an interview Tuesday with Kings (thank you Kris). I applied for a very cool office manager job with an elementary school in town which my buddy Susan was so gracious in taking my application in yesterday for me (thank you Susan). I was so inspired by my first phone call I delved into applying again with much more passion and found a few great positions. Never did hear from the university so I am putting that one behind me. Hopefully I'll have something in the next week or two (tomorrow well OK Monday would be optimum but not likely since my interviews are not until Tuesday).
In closing we are freezing our butts off out here (& according to yesterday's spill I need all of mine), illness continues to riddle our happy home, we...ahh let me correct that...I have a new project called RENO, the job hunt continues, sanity wains quite rapidly (although last nights discussion with the man upstairs and hours {not minutes} of continuous sleep have helped tremendously), finances continue to suck but I can still find my humor so there you go. Hoping you all have much less excitement than we do. Oh did I mention another storm with SNOW is headed our way. Gosh, I wonder what it will be like to get snow....hmmmmmm...oh yeah I remember I just looked outside at the feet we already have! I kinda like it in a sick sorta way. The only thing that makes it bad is the illness that prevents us from going outside to ENJOY it. With sickies 1, 2 & 3 (Gman please stay well now!) we have only gotten a few moments here & there to enjoy a sled down the hill or moving snow with G's front end loader and dump truck. Do you think our "shut-in" status is helping or hindering my sanity? Thank god the kids have been wonderful.
Stay warm~
Let's see where to I many things so many things! We have a new addition to our family (we'll see for how on). Reno is a nearly 2 year old male Akita. We adopted him on Monday from a lady who couldn't keep him as her Shepard tried to kill him. He is a fine looking dog and submissive for an Akita. I can't blame this one on my husband one bit since it was ME....yes me the NO lady...who fell in love with him. He needs some training and is not used to our "routine" but he is very smart. He gets along with our existing boys (Taz is still not too sure of the new guy). He is smitten with Bug. Whenever she leaves the room he escorts her to where she is going then returns. He walks her up & down the stairs and will randomly find her to kiss her face and return to his blankie in the living room. But.....and there is a HUGE but.... he is still in puppy faze. He piddles when he is in trouble; he marks (pees) on things in the house; he uses his mouth to play (not biting just teeth), he runs off into the neighborhood (considering we have no fence)..... Hubby had a 2 hour search for him last night (he was NOT happy) after I took Bug to bed (read on for more about that). He (Reno...not hubby) is desperate for praise and love so we have already altered much of the behavior and again I have no one to blame but myself. Which makes me even more mad that I can't be mad at someone else :) Yesterday while walking up the driveway (in flip-flops.....Hubby's BIG flip-flops) to find Reno; I spotted him at the top of our street. As he was running back home I turned around to walk back down (key word down) the drive. My left foot slipped, tried to compensate with right foot that stepped on the back of the left flip-flop and in cartoon fashion arms & legs went flying and I went down....HARD apparently on the only "rocks" that weren't covered by the snow. Thank goodness I have extra padding on the back side.
Later that day....while putting some things in the frig I hit my knee on the crisper drawer that sent me literally flailing on the floor and crying (something I rarely ever do from injury); Bug came in to check on me "Mommy, are you OK?"...then she kissed me on the shoulder. She waited until I regained myself and asked again "Mommy, are you OK?" then gave me a huge hug. When I explained I hurt my knee she kissed my knee and gave me another huge hug. Do I have the best kids or what?
Bug is very sick. It started with a croupy cough night before last but turned into something much more similar to the pneumonia cough hubby had last week. We spent a LONG time in the bathroom with the hot shower going and the window open. Brother was such a great guy, he came in with toys and lots of stories to keep us from getting bored. He rubbed Bug's head and kissed her forehead. She was coughing so hard she gagged every time...which was about 3x a minute. She has slept with me the last two nights so I can monitor breathing etc. Last night as we lay in bed and she was coughing with no end in site I prayed harder than I have prayed in a long time. We were blessed with a fairly peaceful evening with more sleep than coughing.
I got my first call from applying online to jobs. I have an interview with the new hospital (lab) on Tuesday. The lady that called said I was on many of the lists (YEAH) since I applied to about 15 jobs there..hopefully more to come. This one is only PT but I am going to take the interview for practice and to get the interview jitters out. I also have an interview Tuesday with Kings (thank you Kris). I applied for a very cool office manager job with an elementary school in town which my buddy Susan was so gracious in taking my application in yesterday for me (thank you Susan). I was so inspired by my first phone call I delved into applying again with much more passion and found a few great positions. Never did hear from the university so I am putting that one behind me. Hopefully I'll have something in the next week or two (tomorrow well OK Monday would be optimum but not likely since my interviews are not until Tuesday).
In closing we are freezing our butts off out here (& according to yesterday's spill I need all of mine), illness continues to riddle our happy home, we...ahh let me correct that...I have a new project called RENO, the job hunt continues, sanity wains quite rapidly (although last nights discussion with the man upstairs and hours {not minutes} of continuous sleep have helped tremendously), finances continue to suck but I can still find my humor so there you go. Hoping you all have much less excitement than we do. Oh did I mention another storm with SNOW is headed our way. Gosh, I wonder what it will be like to get snow....hmmmmmm...oh yeah I remember I just looked outside at the feet we already have! I kinda like it in a sick sorta way. The only thing that makes it bad is the illness that prevents us from going outside to ENJOY it. With sickies 1, 2 & 3 (Gman please stay well now!) we have only gotten a few moments here & there to enjoy a sled down the hill or moving snow with G's front end loader and dump truck. Do you think our "shut-in" status is helping or hindering my sanity? Thank god the kids have been wonderful.
Stay warm~
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know? 6:15 on a weekend is for SLEEPING! =) Sorry Bug is so sick... I hope she's feeling MUCH better today! We miss you guys. It's been like 3 whole weeks or something crazy since we've seen ya'll (well, ok, I saw you like a week ago, but not for long, and you didn't bring the rest of the fam!) Did you realize that you've officially been my "sis" for 2 whole years now? =) Love you!
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