2006 is dead!
Man am I glad to put 2006 to rest...6 feet under. Unfortunately this is a year that will not go into the light....it is going to haunt me for years to come. It may have been the worst year on record for us with some of the best mini-moments. Maybe I can have the bad parts "exercised" from our lives...not bloody likely. I may not have made it through this last stretch without my cherished SIL who has been there day/night/rain/shine/good/bad with a shoulder to cry on, arms to hug me and a heart she shares unselfishly...THANK YOU!!!!
The curse of 2006 continues into 2007 as Hubby has pneumonia (bad) and is not doing well at all. He is miserable and luckily my sanity has granted me not only the stamina to care for him but the warm fuzzies to actually want to do it. Weird considering the recent events (shared & unshared) in my life that I could continue to even want to get out of bed...but I have been a good wife and and an even better mommy through this nearly snowed in time with the fam.
I was up with Hubby at 2am this morning and stayed by his side until the kids awoke at 6ish. He has been having such horrible shivering fits that he had to get into a hot shower in order not to shake the house down this morning. It is very scary not to be able to do anything. At the end of the episode his fever had soared to 104.3 and slowly started falling after that. We spent the night in the living room so he could doze sitting up and I laid on the couch watching DIY listening to his breathing. Both kids had pneumonia in 2006, Gramma had it & now Hubby. I have been nearly inhaling Lysol for fear that if I get it life as I know it could crumble. Not that the life I know at this moment couldn't use a do over but not that way. My immune system seams to have worn armor this year (if you don't count the 2 bouts of food poisoning - 1 in which partially led to my "termination" or the vertigo this summer but those are just plain weird).
Luckily the kids pull me back into perspective quite often. We have had some great times with the munchkins this year. We took our very first family vacation to Minnesota and had a blast with Auntie B & Uncle A. It was "priceless" to share my childhood memories of Auntie B's with my children. What made it incredible is with exception of the carpet and maybe one couch the house, patio and pool are exactly as I remember when I was young (including the way the house smells :). Being there watching the kids swim swarmed back so many great memories for me. It was also the first time Hubby saw where I came from. I have taken many strolls down memory lane with him in Wyoming but it was a first for me to share with him. We didn't get to explore as much as we wanted but next time we'll include that in our trip. Gman was the lead in his Christmas play for school (he was awesome). Next time I'll know not to tell him to "break a leg" before he goes on stage since he stomped his leg on stage throughout the whole program. Miss Amie has become a special part of his life and it is awesome to watch the bond that they have formed...it doesn't hurt that I think she is just incredible. Bug has made so many many many changes this year. Watching her sprout from infant to young lady has been unbelievable. Her sense of humor rivals G's which makes side aching laughs quite frequent....thank god! If they didn't keep us laughing this year I would have spent most of the time crying. We received a new addition to the family this year, nephew Brody! Being present at his birth was the most amazing experience. It mirrors the experience of the birth of my own children except I was "with it" and not worried about pain, exhaustion, etc. Watching him take his first breath, hearing his first cries and holding him moments after birth has branded my heart for the little bugger. Being a part of that experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. (Thank you Kris & Matt for sharing your love with me). As I start remember positive things of 2006 it doesn't seem like such a bad year...but when bouting depression, changing meds, going back to work...then getting fired... not to mention the financial torture chamber we continue to endure it does leave a desire to move on!
2007 is a new year. My hope is to handle many things better this year and that our family finds better health. May you all have a better year!
I gotta get some sleep! If you have any to spare please pass it on! :) ha ha ha
The curse of 2006 continues into 2007 as Hubby has pneumonia (bad) and is not doing well at all. He is miserable and luckily my sanity has granted me not only the stamina to care for him but the warm fuzzies to actually want to do it. Weird considering the recent events (shared & unshared) in my life that I could continue to even want to get out of bed...but I have been a good wife and and an even better mommy through this nearly snowed in time with the fam.
I was up with Hubby at 2am this morning and stayed by his side until the kids awoke at 6ish. He has been having such horrible shivering fits that he had to get into a hot shower in order not to shake the house down this morning. It is very scary not to be able to do anything. At the end of the episode his fever had soared to 104.3 and slowly started falling after that. We spent the night in the living room so he could doze sitting up and I laid on the couch watching DIY listening to his breathing. Both kids had pneumonia in 2006, Gramma had it & now Hubby. I have been nearly inhaling Lysol for fear that if I get it life as I know it could crumble. Not that the life I know at this moment couldn't use a do over but not that way. My immune system seams to have worn armor this year (if you don't count the 2 bouts of food poisoning - 1 in which partially led to my "termination" or the vertigo this summer but those are just plain weird).
Luckily the kids pull me back into perspective quite often. We have had some great times with the munchkins this year. We took our very first family vacation to Minnesota and had a blast with Auntie B & Uncle A. It was "priceless" to share my childhood memories of Auntie B's with my children. What made it incredible is with exception of the carpet and maybe one couch the house, patio and pool are exactly as I remember when I was young (including the way the house smells :). Being there watching the kids swim swarmed back so many great memories for me. It was also the first time Hubby saw where I came from. I have taken many strolls down memory lane with him in Wyoming but it was a first for me to share with him. We didn't get to explore as much as we wanted but next time we'll include that in our trip. Gman was the lead in his Christmas play for school (he was awesome). Next time I'll know not to tell him to "break a leg" before he goes on stage since he stomped his leg on stage throughout the whole program. Miss Amie has become a special part of his life and it is awesome to watch the bond that they have formed...it doesn't hurt that I think she is just incredible. Bug has made so many many many changes this year. Watching her sprout from infant to young lady has been unbelievable. Her sense of humor rivals G's which makes side aching laughs quite frequent....thank god! If they didn't keep us laughing this year I would have spent most of the time crying. We received a new addition to the family this year, nephew Brody! Being present at his birth was the most amazing experience. It mirrors the experience of the birth of my own children except I was "with it" and not worried about pain, exhaustion, etc. Watching him take his first breath, hearing his first cries and holding him moments after birth has branded my heart for the little bugger. Being a part of that experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. (Thank you Kris & Matt for sharing your love with me). As I start remember positive things of 2006 it doesn't seem like such a bad year...but when bouting depression, changing meds, going back to work...then getting fired... not to mention the financial torture chamber we continue to endure it does leave a desire to move on!
2007 is a new year. My hope is to handle many things better this year and that our family finds better health. May you all have a better year!
I gotta get some sleep! If you have any to spare please pass it on! :) ha ha ha
At 4:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I love you too! =) (and I would be more than happy to share some extra sleep!)
I'll talk to you here in a bit, but tell Brian to get better already! =P
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