More crap...
Literally! Reece has the Rota Virus which causes diarrhea with a horrible odor and some vomiting...which we have had both. The unfortunate thing about this virus is that it can last 3-6 weeks. (Gage had it too right at about the same age...when molars where coming through.) The worst time being the first 5-7 days. Poor thing, between pooping, puking, not eating & barely drinking, she has got BIG teeth coming in too!!! We have cut out all dairy (w/exception of yogurt) which was very difficult as she was looking for he milk bottle before bedtime. She only likes apple juice which also increases diarrhea so I purchased 14 different fluids yesterday to try. She is finally able to choke down apple flavored Albertson's brand pedialite...watered down. When I say choke I mean gagging & all. She has now gotten used to it and is drinking plenty of ounces. Her appetite is still on the fritz, however she did eat some mashed potatoes and gravy last night. Since we changed the diet...she hasn't "went" since yesterday morning nor puked since yesterday lunch...but she has been quite puny today. She has either been sleeping or snuggled in mommy's arms. We did make it out today to pick up a "stool sample" kit from the lab (oh joy!...just what I love to do....collect 4 separate containers no less) and do a bit of shopping at Wal-Mart for more cereal options she can eat! Gage struggles a little with the attention focused on Reece but is being a very good helper.
On to more fun topics...I really liked this from my sister-in-law's blog so I thought I would do it too!
On to more fun topics...I really liked this from my sister-in-law's blog so I thought I would do it too!
4 Jobs I've had:
- Community First Insurance - Office Manager/Insurance
- Thomasson Partner Associates - Admin Assistant/Geological Assistant
- Pizza Hut - Assistant Manager
- Stuarts - Assistant Manager (retail)
4 Places I've lived:
- Colorado: Fort Collins & Greeley
- Colorado: Lakewood & Avon
- Montana: Great Falls
- Minnesota: Minneapolis & St. Peter
4 TV Show I like:
- Desperate Housewives
- Grey's Anatomy
- Earl
- CSI (any one of them - Vegas is my favorite)
4 Places I've gone on vacation:
- Laramie & Snowy Range, Wyoming (snowmobiling trips)
- Playa Del Carmen, Mexico (Honeymoon - HORRIBLE...would never go back)
- Arizona
- San Bernadino, California (went to Sea World)
4 Websites I visit daily
4 Food I love (other than chocolate)
- French Food (yum yum)
- Licorice & 100,000 Bars
- Italian Food
- Cheese Sticks
4 People I don't like
- Woody Allen (married his daughter)
- Michael Jackson (likes to have slumber parties with young boys)
- Tom Cruise (is an Idiot)
- Matt Hughes (those of you not in insurance in Fort Collins will not know who he is)
I think that about does it for today. I know I said something about photos...but my camera is all the way down stairs so it will have to be later!
When you entertain, treat your family like guests & treat your guests like family! ~and~ Be a good neighbor! (I have an awesome new neighbor...can't wait to get the kids together to play)
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now you have me craving cheese sticks... thanks! =P
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