On empty (beware Ms. positive is NEGATIVE right now)
I am on empty...bone dry is more the truth. I have been NEEDED 24/7 for the past 6 weeks with no break. Well I am about to break. During this time not only have I fought insomnia but now am functioning on 5 1/2 hours of sleep a day. It is sleep but not enough. I just want one day for someone to take care of me, hell I'd settle for a day that I could do nothing but take care of myself & no one else...I guess it is a funny wish, cause even if I had a day to myself I wouldn't be able to do anything for myself without guilt or worrying about what I should be doing to catch up on other's needs or things that need to be done. On top of the demands I am also responsible to change our diet to improve our health. I guess I just needed to vent. If I didn't get it out I was going to explode. For anyone who thought I was a mountain of strength and have my shit together I guess I am revealing...."not so much". I have needs too...just none that appear are going to be met any time soon. Do you ever feel like you are drowning in your own life? This too shall pass I am just "down" today and doing it all alone again. I could never be a single parent I tell you that. I have the utmost respect, support and sympathy for anyone who does this alone! I love my family more than anything...I just need a "time out".
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry! I wish we still lived closer so I give you a break more often.
Perhaps a good way to break in the new babysitter is to bring her over while you are home so that you can take a NICE LONG NAP! (Just be sure to wear earplugs so that you don't have to fight the desire to go downstairs!) =)
This too shall pass... and I'm hear if you need to vent more!
At 5:12 PM,
janet copenhaver said…
The joys of motherhood. It's what prepares you to want them to move the heck out when they graduate from high school. Isn't it funny that a time out as an adult has a whole different meaning than it does for kids. Hang in there it will get better in about 20 years but then you'll be taking care of your parents or in-laws.
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