Sunday, January 29, 2006
Yep! I got it! I am officially sick. I think I could have avoided this bout if my son hadn't felt it necessary to cough directly in my face (yes with mouth open sometimes) so I could feel the moist droplets of illness to come...lest we forget my beautiful daughter who also likes to stick her finger up her nose then moments later stick it in your mouth or check your teeth get the picture. Once again I time it perfectly with the most "grumpy" time of my husband's cycle. Yes I believe men have cycles. Theirs' may not be as frequent but it lasts a lot longer. I am on my own (aren't we always mommies?) Gage still has the cough & Reece still has the snot so we have piles...strike that...mountains of kleenex lying around the house. I'd write more but the sinus pressure has reach defcon 4 so I'm going to bed! Night all.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
Supermom makes a breif return
Yes Supermom showed her face this morning. Upon wake up, I made breakfast for the troops, packed Daddy his lunch, played army mechanic, doctor & dentist office (we healed all the stuffed animals in the house) the we painted. (Reece ate finger paint for the first time today...Yeah!) After paints were cleaned up Reece took her nap so Gage & I were able to snuggle for a little while before I made lunch. After lunch I vacuumed entire main floor, then when Gage started Charolet's Web Reece & I deep cleaned her room (moved all furniture to vacuum, change bedding, re-hang decor that was pulled down by the maniac herself, cleaned her fan, humidifier, re-arranged some small stuff and wiped down everything (to free space of germs). During the next nap "phase" I was able to take a shower to get ready for my dinner tonight.
3 Times this week I will have a break from the kids. Tonight is a new members dinner for Mother's Center of Fort Collins, Wednesday is Bunco and Saturday we are taking my bro out to dinner for his birthday (thanks Matt for ditching your friends for your stupid older sister). When it pours...and let me tell you I need the down pour!
Well I'm off to finish up a few things before I escape. Since Gramma's here I may even leave early to hit Target (by myself) for diapers and any such "clearance" items I may find.
If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried.
3 Times this week I will have a break from the kids. Tonight is a new members dinner for Mother's Center of Fort Collins, Wednesday is Bunco and Saturday we are taking my bro out to dinner for his birthday (thanks Matt for ditching your friends for your stupid older sister). When it pours...and let me tell you I need the down pour!
Well I'm off to finish up a few things before I escape. Since Gramma's here I may even leave early to hit Target (by myself) for diapers and any such "clearance" items I may find.
If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Ahhhh sooooo much better
Today is a new day & I took my "mood" into my own hands this morning. Don't get me wrong I am still tired & more short tempered than usual but with a smile on my face. Just the act of purging my last post was theraputic. Sometimes you just have to break down!
Reece & I headed off the Hospital Lab last night with a fresh "sample" for testing. She has been in a much better mood with only crying/whining half the time instead of most of the time. It could be she is reacting to my improved state of mind. What ever it is a welcomed blessing. She is eating & drinking well and hasn't had a poop-spoltion since we changed her diet.
We are headed out to Schmidts for Lunch as a family so to all of you I wish you a brightened mood today. May you smile at least once more than usual! Thanks you all your support, prayers & positive vibes!
Reece & I headed off the Hospital Lab last night with a fresh "sample" for testing. She has been in a much better mood with only crying/whining half the time instead of most of the time. It could be she is reacting to my improved state of mind. What ever it is a welcomed blessing. She is eating & drinking well and hasn't had a poop-spoltion since we changed her diet.
We are headed out to Schmidts for Lunch as a family so to all of you I wish you a brightened mood today. May you smile at least once more than usual! Thanks you all your support, prayers & positive vibes!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
On empty (beware Ms. positive is NEGATIVE right now)
I am on empty...bone dry is more the truth. I have been NEEDED 24/7 for the past 6 weeks with no break. Well I am about to break. During this time not only have I fought insomnia but now am functioning on 5 1/2 hours of sleep a day. It is sleep but not enough. I just want one day for someone to take care of me, hell I'd settle for a day that I could do nothing but take care of myself & no one else...I guess it is a funny wish, cause even if I had a day to myself I wouldn't be able to do anything for myself without guilt or worrying about what I should be doing to catch up on other's needs or things that need to be done. On top of the demands I am also responsible to change our diet to improve our health. I guess I just needed to vent. If I didn't get it out I was going to explode. For anyone who thought I was a mountain of strength and have my shit together I guess I am revealing...."not so much". I have needs too...just none that appear are going to be met any time soon. Do you ever feel like you are drowning in your own life? This too shall pass I am just "down" today and doing it all alone again. I could never be a single parent I tell you that. I have the utmost respect, support and sympathy for anyone who does this alone! I love my family more than anything...I just need a "time out".
Friday, January 20, 2006
More crap...
Literally! Reece has the Rota Virus which causes diarrhea with a horrible odor and some vomiting...which we have had both. The unfortunate thing about this virus is that it can last 3-6 weeks. (Gage had it too right at about the same age...when molars where coming through.) The worst time being the first 5-7 days. Poor thing, between pooping, puking, not eating & barely drinking, she has got BIG teeth coming in too!!! We have cut out all dairy (w/exception of yogurt) which was very difficult as she was looking for he milk bottle before bedtime. She only likes apple juice which also increases diarrhea so I purchased 14 different fluids yesterday to try. She is finally able to choke down apple flavored Albertson's brand pedialite...watered down. When I say choke I mean gagging & all. She has now gotten used to it and is drinking plenty of ounces. Her appetite is still on the fritz, however she did eat some mashed potatoes and gravy last night. Since we changed the diet...she hasn't "went" since yesterday morning nor puked since yesterday lunch...but she has been quite puny today. She has either been sleeping or snuggled in mommy's arms. We did make it out today to pick up a "stool sample" kit from the lab (oh joy!...just what I love to do....collect 4 separate containers no less) and do a bit of shopping at Wal-Mart for more cereal options she can eat! Gage struggles a little with the attention focused on Reece but is being a very good helper.
On to more fun topics...I really liked this from my sister-in-law's blog so I thought I would do it too!
On to more fun topics...I really liked this from my sister-in-law's blog so I thought I would do it too!
4 Jobs I've had:
- Community First Insurance - Office Manager/Insurance
- Thomasson Partner Associates - Admin Assistant/Geological Assistant
- Pizza Hut - Assistant Manager
- Stuarts - Assistant Manager (retail)
4 Places I've lived:
- Colorado: Fort Collins & Greeley
- Colorado: Lakewood & Avon
- Montana: Great Falls
- Minnesota: Minneapolis & St. Peter
4 TV Show I like:
- Desperate Housewives
- Grey's Anatomy
- Earl
- CSI (any one of them - Vegas is my favorite)
4 Places I've gone on vacation:
- Laramie & Snowy Range, Wyoming (snowmobiling trips)
- Playa Del Carmen, Mexico (Honeymoon - HORRIBLE...would never go back)
- Arizona
- San Bernadino, California (went to Sea World)
4 Websites I visit daily
4 Food I love (other than chocolate)
- French Food (yum yum)
- Licorice & 100,000 Bars
- Italian Food
- Cheese Sticks
4 People I don't like
- Woody Allen (married his daughter)
- Michael Jackson (likes to have slumber parties with young boys)
- Tom Cruise (is an Idiot)
- Matt Hughes (those of you not in insurance in Fort Collins will not know who he is)
I think that about does it for today. I know I said something about photos...but my camera is all the way down stairs so it will have to be later!
When you entertain, treat your family like guests & treat your guests like family! ~and~ Be a good neighbor! (I have an awesome new neighbor...can't wait to get the kids together to play)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I'm back....
Well I am still purdy tired but the "sleep" I am getting feels like "real sleep" not just daydreaming. Still have many many hours to catch up on. "I feel more like myself today than I have ever felt before"... "50 Years from now I'll never know the difference" just a couple of quotes from my good friends Carl & Paul!
Gage wanted to bring show & tell sooooo bad today; at school he even asked if he could S&T is coat. Miss Rosie said he should wait until Thursday so he could S&T something much cooler than his coat. Everything he plays with now becomes a "possible" S&T item. Today, he got 5 stickers for cleaning up and was able to choose a "treasure"! He was so excited. His "treasure" (a small plastic ABC template) had to be put in the drawer by his bed when he took his nap. He is definitely my "treasure".
Reece, poor's her turn. She is barely eating, sleeping a lot (growing) but also has horrible diarrhea. She has already had 2 baths today before 1pm. I think I remember Gage doing something similar when he hit his big growth spurts. She is a trooper though. She sings & dances all the time and is really trying to use "words". Her vocabulary is no where near where Gage's was but as hard as we try to nix it...Gage does talk "for" Reece a lot. Plus mom has not been entirely on her game in working with words 24/7 like she did with Gman. Meow is definitely her favorite...right up there with Daddy! Daddy comes through at a significantly higher decibel. Taz (the cat) has actually let her "touch" him...more like grab, hug & squeeze and he talks back to her. Last night they had quite a conversation at the gate....Reece on one side & Taz on the other. Hysterical.
Other news... We are changing habits this week. After disturbing blood serum results food in our house will not be the same. I have committed the Mr. & myself to 1 bowl of oatmeal everyday, no beverages with calories (other than milk) and other changes are quickly being implemented. We are trying to cut out "eating out" and I have been cooking much healthier meals. As soon as I can get it together the kids & I will be heading down to Garts or the like to purchase a stationary bike. It was "suggested" to the Mr. that he either take up water sports or stationary bike. For any of you who know him...water sports are DEFINITELY out!
Well gotta run... My lovely hubby did most of the laundry with the exception of folding so I have a pile on the couch, bills to pay, work to know the drill. It's good to be back in the land of the living...even the tired living is better than where I was.
Share something you like about somebody with them today!
Gage wanted to bring show & tell sooooo bad today; at school he even asked if he could S&T is coat. Miss Rosie said he should wait until Thursday so he could S&T something much cooler than his coat. Everything he plays with now becomes a "possible" S&T item. Today, he got 5 stickers for cleaning up and was able to choose a "treasure"! He was so excited. His "treasure" (a small plastic ABC template) had to be put in the drawer by his bed when he took his nap. He is definitely my "treasure".
Reece, poor's her turn. She is barely eating, sleeping a lot (growing) but also has horrible diarrhea. She has already had 2 baths today before 1pm. I think I remember Gage doing something similar when he hit his big growth spurts. She is a trooper though. She sings & dances all the time and is really trying to use "words". Her vocabulary is no where near where Gage's was but as hard as we try to nix it...Gage does talk "for" Reece a lot. Plus mom has not been entirely on her game in working with words 24/7 like she did with Gman. Meow is definitely her favorite...right up there with Daddy! Daddy comes through at a significantly higher decibel. Taz (the cat) has actually let her "touch" him...more like grab, hug & squeeze and he talks back to her. Last night they had quite a conversation at the gate....Reece on one side & Taz on the other. Hysterical.
Other news... We are changing habits this week. After disturbing blood serum results food in our house will not be the same. I have committed the Mr. & myself to 1 bowl of oatmeal everyday, no beverages with calories (other than milk) and other changes are quickly being implemented. We are trying to cut out "eating out" and I have been cooking much healthier meals. As soon as I can get it together the kids & I will be heading down to Garts or the like to purchase a stationary bike. It was "suggested" to the Mr. that he either take up water sports or stationary bike. For any of you who know him...water sports are DEFINITELY out!
Well gotta run... My lovely hubby did most of the laundry with the exception of folding so I have a pile on the couch, bills to pay, work to know the drill. It's good to be back in the land of the living...even the tired living is better than where I was.
Share something you like about somebody with them today!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Temporary Shutdown
Well the sleeplessness won't quit so I am "shutting down" some "non-essential" areas of BLOG for a short time. There is not enouth left in me to share as I barely have enough to keep me on top of it for the kids much less husband & home. Please don't take offense if I don't take or return phone calls for a little bit...i'm just so damned tired. Today was the worst yet even though I was able to slumber a good solid 3.5 to 4 hours in 3 shifts last night and 1 nap this morning.
p.s. After so many weeks practicing at home but so many weeks without "something" at show & tell, Gage FORGOT he brought something on Thursday. So when I picked him up & asked how it went he was able to give his show & tell right then while I was there... That was cool. He did it just how he had been practicing. He shared his 2 Star Wars light sabors and he graciously allowed his friends to play with them before we left. I love that little guy...sure can't wait until I am "myself" again so he can enjoy me more too! (what a grump)
Until later~ hopefully only a matter of days~ I HOPE!!!
p.s. After so many weeks practicing at home but so many weeks without "something" at show & tell, Gage FORGOT he brought something on Thursday. So when I picked him up & asked how it went he was able to give his show & tell right then while I was there... That was cool. He did it just how he had been practicing. He shared his 2 Star Wars light sabors and he graciously allowed his friends to play with them before we left. I love that little guy...sure can't wait until I am "myself" again so he can enjoy me more too! (what a grump)
Until later~ hopefully only a matter of days~ I HOPE!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Good Morning, Good Morning. It's great to be alive to say Good Morning, Good Morning to you!
I know, a little over the top but gotta get my butt going this morning. Gage took his 2 Star Wars light sabors (sp?) to show and tell today. We'll see how it goes. We've been practicing show & tell for weeks...and weeks...and weeks :0)
More later ~ with a few pics
More later ~ with a few pics
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I resolve to stay sleepless in Colorado
I am not sure why my body thinks I don't need sleep but it is maddening. I completely understand why people who don't sleep go insane. But, I will move on to other topics...I'm even bored with my lack of sleep. I'll post when I DO get sleep. (any tips would be welcome...home remedies...wives tales...anything)
* Brian is still sick and had a chest xray yesterday...we'll get results sometime this week. Friday if it's not bad, sooner (I suppose) if it is. He has new Rx so hopefully he will get some relief from the "cough"...since OTC stuff doesn't work.
* Gage is hilarious. He gets to have his very first Show & Tell tomorrow. The teachers failed to inform me Thursdays were his day until I trapped one of them yesterday so he is VERY excited. I think Krypto & pals may be the 1st...but it may be Star Wars stuff...we'll see
* Reece is awnry. She is so funny; she loves to hide & pop out to play peek-a-boo. She sings all the time and feels like she has to yell to be heard...sometimes in this family you do. Her birthday party is officially this Sunday. I'm glad we waited.
The dogs stink, the cat prowls all night & sleeps all day. The weather is beautiful today...just breezy...not gale force winds! So off we go...I recruited Gramma today to help so I can get caught up on life. Man it keeps stacking up whether you want it to or not! Who needs time travel...I just need a "pause" button.
"Pause" to smell the roses, daisies, dandelions...what ever tickles your
* Brian is still sick and had a chest xray yesterday...we'll get results sometime this week. Friday if it's not bad, sooner (I suppose) if it is. He has new Rx so hopefully he will get some relief from the "cough"...since OTC stuff doesn't work.
* Gage is hilarious. He gets to have his very first Show & Tell tomorrow. The teachers failed to inform me Thursdays were his day until I trapped one of them yesterday so he is VERY excited. I think Krypto & pals may be the 1st...but it may be Star Wars stuff...we'll see
* Reece is awnry. She is so funny; she loves to hide & pop out to play peek-a-boo. She sings all the time and feels like she has to yell to be heard...sometimes in this family you do. Her birthday party is officially this Sunday. I'm glad we waited.
The dogs stink, the cat prowls all night & sleeps all day. The weather is beautiful today...just breezy...not gale force winds! So off we go...I recruited Gramma today to help so I can get caught up on life. Man it keeps stacking up whether you want it to or not! Who needs time travel...I just need a "pause" button.
"Pause" to smell the roses, daisies, dandelions...what ever tickles your
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
the zombie mommy returns...
well dreams almost come true....I did get 7 hours of sleep the other night...would have been a good solid 8 if my back had not decided to torment me. Thank you sweetie for the back rub! However dreams fade 'cause the next night was followed by 3 1/2 hours as was last night 3 1/2 hours of sleep...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I feel a trend in my posts and I am "tired" of it...ha ha ha.
My brain is so fried from lack of sleep I find it hard to put a thought together. So before I type some gooogllymuck I'm going to bed!
My brain is so fried from lack of sleep I find it hard to put a thought together. So before I type some gooogllymuck I'm going to bed!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
still tired. I pulled out 5 hours (not in a row mind you) of sleep last night; and I snuck in an hour & 1/2 nap today ~ thank goodness. Only need about 43 1/2 more to catch up ha ha ha.

We had an awesome date last night (thank you Tara & Ave for watching the kiddos). There was an appreciation dinner & Top Tech award presentation to 10 technicians in Fort hubby was one of them! The speaker was extremely interesting...I am not sure if it was the week of conversation with Gage & Reece that made me so desperate for intellectual information or what. Dr Bryan Willson with accolades & accomplishments to long for this blogsite, head of the Engine & Energy Research Lab at CSU presented information on past/current/future research and developments on cleaner running engines. I was amazed at the amount of this type of technology that has come out of Colorado...especially Fort Collins....that is used all over the world. I could go on & on but I won't. All I can say is I was enthralled with the information and excited about what they are able to do, are doing and what they will be doing with new fuel types, engines, etc and how much cleaner they are/will be.
After the dinner (with the Mayor), we joined a group of Markleys people celebrating the retirement of one of the long time (43 years) body shop guys. Markleys was his 1st and last job....over 40 years in one place...just think about it. We only caught the end social time but had so much fun with some friends away from the KIDS. Mommy REALLY needed it!
Well I'm off to bed, hoping for a solid 8 hours uninterrupted...hey sometimes wishes do come true...that's what Cinderella says. Wishing you all pleasant slumbering.

We had an awesome date last night (thank you Tara & Ave for watching the kiddos). There was an appreciation dinner & Top Tech award presentation to 10 technicians in Fort hubby was one of them! The speaker was extremely interesting...I am not sure if it was the week of conversation with Gage & Reece that made me so desperate for intellectual information or what. Dr Bryan Willson with accolades & accomplishments to long for this blogsite, head of the Engine & Energy Research Lab at CSU presented information on past/current/future research and developments on cleaner running engines. I was amazed at the amount of this type of technology that has come out of Colorado...especially Fort Collins....that is used all over the world. I could go on & on but I won't. All I can say is I was enthralled with the information and excited about what they are able to do, are doing and what they will be doing with new fuel types, engines, etc and how much cleaner they are/will be.
After the dinner (with the Mayor), we joined a group of Markleys people celebrating the retirement of one of the long time (43 years) body shop guys. Markleys was his 1st and last job....over 40 years in one place...just think about it. We only caught the end social time but had so much fun with some friends away from the KIDS. Mommy REALLY needed it!
Well I'm off to bed, hoping for a solid 8 hours uninterrupted...hey sometimes wishes do come true...that's what Cinderella says. Wishing you all pleasant slumbering.
Friday, January 06, 2006
I am soooo tired. In the last two nights I have not had a two hour stretch of sleep uninterupted. I believe Reece is starting her growing spurt as she is frequently waking (with what I believe are growing pains). Gage has added 1 waking per evening too...not corresponding to when I am already up with Reece so off to zombie land I go.
We are heading outside for a little bit. Hopefully the fresh air will revive me enough to make it until nap time....which by cruel timing I cannot use for sleep myself but for cleaning house & putting dinner on for the children and their Aunty Tara & Cousin Avery. We have an awards dinner to go to (which I am really looking forward is a date after all) so Gage gets time with his favorite Avery!!!
At least I postponed the big 1st Bday party a week, if I had to get ready for the party this weekend I think I would go check myself into shaddy acres. Wishing you all good mental-health today :)
I am soooo tired. In the last two nights I have not had a two hour stretch of sleep uninterupted. I believe Reece is starting her growing spurt as she is frequently waking (with what I believe are growing pains). Gage has added 1 waking per evening too...not corresponding to when I am already up with Reece so off to zombie land I go.
We are heading outside for a little bit. Hopefully the fresh air will revive me enough to make it until nap time....which by cruel timing I cannot use for sleep myself but for cleaning house & putting dinner on for the children and their Aunty Tara & Cousin Avery. We have an awards dinner to go to (which I am really looking forward is a date after all) so Gage gets time with his favorite Avery!!!
At least I postponed the big 1st Bday party a week, if I had to get ready for the party this weekend I think I would go check myself into shaddy acres. Wishing you all good mental-health today :)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
A quiet moment
Both kids are asleep (at the same time) and I find myself enjoying the moment but starting to get anxious. With all that has to be done I am not sure what to touch first. I started the Big Clean yesterday and made it mostly through the master bath/closet/bedroom. 2% of the house done and 98% to go.... I also got a bunch of work done yesterday and haven't had a chance to pickup more. I feel as I should finish the remaining files for the extra hours but then I have phone calls to make. On top of all that is awaiting my attention...a nap really sounds good. I got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night as Reece was struggling a little bit. She has be eating like a maniac so I think we are headed for another growth spurt. I can always tell with both kids, they eat & eat & eat, sleep less, start getting rounder faces until....BAM they're 2" taller (ok, just a little exaggerated). They both bulk up to shoot up. Gage is in his not eating stage & Reece can't get enough. She had 3 bottles of milk last night between 7pm and 4am...that's A LOT!
Well I suppose I will soak up a few moments of silence before I decide what to do. All I want to knw is where are those elves that come and make shoes...surely they could do laundry or something. Go out & find some happiness today!
ps: We watched the Wedding Crashers last night....HILLARIOUS! I laughed out loud through most of the movie. Only 1 critisism...they could have left the entire part with Chaz out. It is not "family humor" but if you want a LOL adult humor movie ~ get it!
Well I suppose I will soak up a few moments of silence before I decide what to do. All I want to knw is where are those elves that come and make shoes...surely they could do laundry or something. Go out & find some happiness today!
ps: We watched the Wedding Crashers last night....HILLARIOUS! I laughed out loud through most of the movie. Only 1 critisism...they could have left the entire part with Chaz out. It is not "family humor" but if you want a LOL adult humor movie ~ get it!
Monday, January 02, 2006
It's not what you think...
No we did NOT feed champagne to our is sparkling grape juice. But it was very special to him. Before he went to bed new years eve we popped (twisted the cap) a bottle of our very best sparkling grape juice champagne and had a count down to New Years! Gage thought it was very cool. When I asked him what his new year resolution was he said.... "Presents...lots & lots of presents"...and that's a quote! I liked that resolution so is so much better than get organized...or lose weight...get into less... Presents...lots & lots of presents....I resolve to get presents!
After 1 vodka tonic...yours truly was in bed/asleep before mid-night. After our new years celebration with Gage what could be any better....yeah that's it...that's the ticket. It's not cause I'm an old, married mommy...nahhh! Ok it is.
Well, Since it had been a y'all have a bit to read & see before my next post. The house is destroyed, laundry is stacking up, trees need to be watered, dog poop needs to be picked up, bills need to be paid, dinner needs to be made, kids need a bath....I'm taking a nap. Oh, I must have been dreaming. Reece is stirring and duties are awaiting. Hope you all had a happy & safe new year filled with as much happiness & humor as ours was with Gage. Until we meet again~
After 1 vodka tonic...yours truly was in bed/asleep before mid-night. After our new years celebration with Gage what could be any better....yeah that's it...that's the ticket. It's not cause I'm an old, married mommy...nahhh! Ok it is.
Well, Since it had been a y'all have a bit to read & see before my next post. The house is destroyed, laundry is stacking up, trees need to be watered, dog poop needs to be picked up, bills need to be paid, dinner needs to be made, kids need a bath....I'm taking a nap. Oh, I must have been dreaming. Reece is stirring and duties are awaiting. Hope you all had a happy & safe new year filled with as much happiness & humor as ours was with Gage. Until we meet again~
Our baby is 1
How hard it is to believe and entire year has gone by.... Reece turned one on the 28th. Luckily she is young...'cause due to our everlasting cold we had a very small, very quiet birthday celebration on THE day. We ate chicken noodle soup for dinner and had cupcakes.
Our experience with Gage in the past was digging into the cake with a considerable amount of coaxing. NOT Reece. She picked that cupcake up and literally shoved it into her face. Thus you see all the frosting from the cupcake adorning her face! She devoured her cupcake. We got great pictures and a nice memory of a small personal family celebration for her 1st birthday. We will be celebrating with family & friends next weekend for the BIG party. Gonna try something new this time...a Sunday Brunch Birthday! I am looking forward to a new day of the week/new time/new meal/new menu for this one. We'll have to have her BBQ party on her 1/2 birthday this summer (well ok it probably will be more of an excuse for us to have a party but...)
Ok...New Years pics to come....
Our experience with Gage in the past was digging into the cake with a considerable amount of coaxing. NOT Reece. She picked that cupcake up and literally shoved it into her face. Thus you see all the frosting from the cupcake adorning her face! She devoured her cupcake. We got great pictures and a nice memory of a small personal family celebration for her 1st birthday. We will be celebrating with family & friends next weekend for the BIG party. Gonna try something new this time...a Sunday Brunch Birthday! I am looking forward to a new day of the week/new time/new meal/new menu for this one. We'll have to have her BBQ party on her 1/2 birthday this summer (well ok it probably will be more of an excuse for us to have a party but...)
Ok...New Years pics to come....
Back in the saddle again
We are slowly but surely getting better. Brian still seems to have the worst of the cold. Gage is nearly over the hump but the cough still nags him. Reece seems completely better (except the runny nose...which could be "teeth") and I still have sinus congestion but refuse to give in more than that. Moms are NOT ALLOWED to get I won't. And that's all I have to say about that.
I finally posted some pictures below from christmas. The kids had a blast & continue to as each day they discover new toys they opened on christmas. Gage has his drum set in his room ~ he loves to drum and isn't too bad. We only bring it out to the living room when someone can man Reece from trying to take them away. We have yet to get batteries for the race track...but it is silently awaiting discovery. Once Gage realizes he has will be like Christmas all over again. More updates to come (photos too)...we have more "special days" since christmas.
I finally posted some pictures below from christmas. The kids had a blast & continue to as each day they discover new toys they opened on christmas. Gage has his drum set in his room ~ he loves to drum and isn't too bad. We only bring it out to the living room when someone can man Reece from trying to take them away. We have yet to get batteries for the race track...but it is silently awaiting discovery. Once Gage realizes he has will be like Christmas all over again. More updates to come (photos too)...we have more "special days" since christmas.